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Great value ‘Days Out’ over Christmas

by Roger Harmer on 16 December, 2009

Would you like a day out over the Christmas holiday? Here are some offers you may not have heard about:

  • You can get a £5 day return ticket to London from Snow Hill or Moor Street. You have to book in advance using London Midlands’ “rapid advance purchase” system.
  • You can also get a £10 day rover ticket which allows you to travel anywhere on the London Midland service.

These are special ticket offers the company has agreed following its failure to run Sunday services earlier this year. This emerged at the meeting of the West Midlands Integrated Transport Authority on Monday. There are 400,000 of the London tickets and just 50,000 day Rover tickets so expect to have to hunt around to find the offers. This is the London Midland site.

In further good news, the Lib Dem lead on the Transport Authority, Councillor Jon Hunt, has put through a ground-breaking deal to ensure the future of the Ring and Ride service. Centro has agreed to fund Ring and Ride for at least three years, enabling Ring and Ride to invest in new services and equipment, with a view to carrying more passengers more efficiently. If you have special transport needs and are eligible to use Ring and Ride, look out for special day-time trips such as shopping expeditions.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Kylie Batt says:

    ??? ?? ????? ?????????

    You can get a £5 day return ticket to London from Snow Hill or Moor Street..

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