November Unemployment figures

by Roger Harmer on 12 November, 2009

This months unemployment figures paint a similar depressing picture to recent months, though the rate of increase has moderated. Indeed because unemployment always tends to fall in November, the unadjusted figures fell in Birmingham, though the adjusted figures continued their rise – to 12.8% against a national average of 6.0%

The focus of the news reports today has rightly been on the level of youth unemployment – which is now 943,000 (18-24 year olds) or 19.8%. This is terribly damaging; when people start their adult lives with a long period of unemployment it makes it much less likely they will find work, even when the economy recovers.

The Government has taken some positive measures – the Future Jobs Fund for example, just launched, gives all young people a guaranteed 6 month job, after they have been unemployed for a year. But we should be doing more. the levels of youth unemployment I’ve mentioned are despite the interventions the Government has taken. The risk is we are simply creating the next generation of long-term unemployed, which will be a tragic waste of the talent of our young people.

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