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Keeping on top of Illegal Placards in Acocks Green

by Roger Harmer on 25 April, 2011

One of the successful campaigns your Lib Dem Councillors, and in particular Councillor Penny Wagg (with help from her husband Trevor) have been fighting for several years, is to keep illegal advertising placards off the lamposts and roadsigns in Acocks Green. Illegal placarding is unsightly, sometimes dangerous in blocking important signs or sightlines and gives free advertising to organisations that break the law. All good reasons to try to stamp it out.

The tactic that has been used in this campaign is simple – as soon as any illegal placards are seen they are removed, usually by Penny and Trevor themselves. They are then reported to the Council who collect them and, as appropriate, take action against the perpetrators. By doing this time and time again most of the main organisations that put up placards have learned not to bother in Acocks Green, though some do still try it on from time to time. On Friday night some appeared on the edge of the Ward advertising yoga classes. They had been removed by Saturday morning.

And in case you are wondering the placards advertising Robert Wilkinson’s Funfair on Acocks Green Rec on Friday are perfectly legal – they have obtained the necessary permission and paid the required deposit.

Its hard, all year round, work like this by Penny, which explains the excellent reception I have had on the doorstep over the past few weeks as I’ve campaigned for her re-election, in this years local elections. Having a good candidate really does matter in local elections. In Penny the voters of Acocks Green have someone who not only says she will work for them, but has proved it time and time again in her actions since she was first elected in 2003.

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