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Acocks Green Baptist Church – Glynn Edwards Hall Update

by Roger Harmer on 27 February, 2011

Acocks Green Baptist Church and Stockfield Community Association have issued an update on their plans to replace the Glynn Edwards Hall at the back of the Church on Alexander Road. It gives feedback on the consultation sessions they have held about their plans and includes both positive feedback and some significant concerns (which were previously referred to in my post about the last Acocks Green Neighbourhood Forum meeting on 16th February).

The overall view from the Acocks Green Baptist Church and Stockfield Community Association is that “there is considerable support for the plans and encouragement to move forward.” They do also acknowledge that there are some aspects of the proposals that not everyone likes, and say that they will therefore review the plans accordingly. It will be interesting to see if this results in any significant changes to plans.

Their update concludes by saying they are concerned to ensure the long-term viability of the whole church site and feel some change to the corner is necessary to provide this. They also say they are bringing in business planning support to explore this and ensure they have a robust plan, and further consultation will be undertaken as part of this process. Presumably this means further consultation ahead of a submission of a detailed formal planning application to the Council, which it should be remembered has not yet happened.

I will continue to keep a close idea on the development of the plans for this important site and will post again as and when I hear more.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Julia Larden says:

    Acocks Green Focus Group’s response to the update is here

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