Liberal Democrat Councillor working for Acocks Green Learn more
by Roger Harmer on 23 March, 2014
UK Unemployment continued its steady fall last month. The seasonally adjusted unemployment benefit count fell 34,600 for the UK to 1.174,800 (3.7%). It fell 3,300 in the West Midlands to 125,100 (4.7%) and by 1,086 to 40,866 (9.0%) in Birmingham, where it has been falling for two years now.
While the unadjusted unemployment claimant rate also fell across the City (though more slowly than the adjusted rate), Acocks Green suffered, what is hopefully no more than a blip, and saw a rise last month. Our claimant level rose by 30 to 997. Despite the monthly rise this still represents a fall of 236 over the past year. Our long term (over 12 months) claimant total rose by 7 to 351 in the month and our youth claimant total rose by 20 to 243 in the same time.
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